Storm Water and Drainage, Surface and Pipe Systems
Overland Drainage Design
Site Grading and Storm Ponds
Environmental Services
Watercourse and water body Qualified Aquatic Environment Specialist (QAES) fish and habitat assessments
Wetland Authenticating Professional assignments (e.g., ABWRET-A/D, identification and delineation, Wetland Assessment and Impact Form, and Wetland Assessment Impact Report)
Construction Support:
Fish salvage (capture and release)
Turbidity-TSS relationships and corresponding Turbidity Monitoring Plans
Environmental construction monitoring, including turbidity monitoring
Bird Nesting and Wildlife sweeps
Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plans / Environmental Protection Plans (EPP) / Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP) / Care of Water Plans / Water Quality Monitoring Plans
Pre- and Post-Disturbance Borrow Excavation Assessments (per Alberta Transportation standards)
Environmental Risk Assessments
Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Inspection
Guidance interpreting regulatory acts and regulations
Liaison with federal and provincial regulators
Preparation of regulatory permitting materials:
federal FisheriesAct (DFO) Requests for Review and applications for Authorization to Harm Fish
Alberta WaterAct applications and notifications under the CodeofPractice
Alberta PublicLandsAct
Federal NavigationProtectionAct permit applications (Notice to the Minister of Transportation for Works)